NYU — Spring 2015 / Week 4

Do the work


• We finish introducing ourselves.

• You turned in your homework, yes?


Structured information, and reducing things to their essence, maybe.

Enough to make you dangerous


Beginner html/css.

  1. Just enough tags: div, p, h1-7, img, a, span
  2. Save this starter page to your computer and open it in both your text editor and chrome.
  3. Why does your page look different from the one on the internet? (There are some clues in your console.)
  4. Make the body copy look more like medium’s. (Your web inspector will help you.)

Tell your story!

Make a piece of journalism using the Chicago guns data you cleaned last week.

Publish your page to your github account.

Let’s follow these instructions: https://pages.github.com/


• Add 3 or more helpful comments to your classmates' pitches (Include your name at the end of your comment.)

• Make tangible progress on your project. Push this progress to your github page.