NYU — Spring 2014 / Week 8

Maps and more

We’ll do a survey of maps and map types, including a lecture that’s old but good. Then we’ll make sure you know how to make tables look classy, which is a lifelong skill and something that can make you look surprisingly professional.

Finally, we’ll do a drive-by on your projects.



Second week in a row of more lecture than you’re used to. It can be quick and painless.

You Don’t Need To Make Maps From Scratch

Your goal is to make a map and table (complete with a readin and headline) of the data we cleaned in a previous class about Chicago guns, both on a map and in a table. You can pick from the menu of maps below, presented roughly in order of difficulty. You might need to do some formatting on your data.

Arrange yourselves by preference.

State Level

This might help get started. Save it locally and call it maps-homework.html.

<style type="text/css">

    /*css goes here*/

    body {
        margin:20px auto;


<h1>This is my homework assignment</h1>

<p class="readout">This will be my readout</p>

<div class="map-section">
<!-- map work to go in here -->

<div class="table-section">
<!-- map work to go in here -->

<script type="text/javascript">

    // javascript goes here.


County level (advanced) - In case of emergency.


We’ll apply the principles of this gif to the Chicago data. Your goal is to include an HTML table of guns per state in decreasing order that visually highlights Mississippi. The official spec on tables may help, and so might Mr. Data Converter. For styling, here is a nice list of things you can be inspired by.


Before you go, check in with a 30-second update on where you are headed with your project and what you need (or need to learn) to succeed.