NYU — Spring 2014 / Week 1

Doing the dirty work

The big 4 – sorting, filtering, aggregating and merging – are enough to help you answer 99 percent of data questions. But most of the time, your data doesn’t come ready to party. Today we’ll clean messy data as it comes in the real world and then embark on Stage 2 of our class data gathering project.


Part 1: Data in the real world

Unfortunately, data doesn’t always come formatted the way we like. Let’s take a recent example from last year with some data about successful gun traces out of Chicago. (A gun trace is where they find out where a gun found in a crime was purchased.) After some phone calls, you get your hands on some source data. Go ahead and download it and open it in a spreadsheet.

  1. Take a look at the data. What does one row look like? What does our dream data set look like? Do the things we always do: know dimensions, make a copy, give the columns names.

  2. Let’s think of questions we might ask of our dream data set instead of this data set. What are some headlines we wish we could be able to write? Add a couple of your own in this Google Doc. This is a ‘hat-on’ exercise, so don’t be shy.

  3. Name the sheet traces. How sad does this data make us?

  4. Make columns called county_clean and state_clean that has just have counties and states only.

  5. How useful would a pivot table of county_clean be? Do a filter in clean_county for “Washington”.

  6. It’s pretty clear that we need some data that has unique values for each county. Google “US county fips codes” and see what the Census has to offer (though any of them are probably fine, we should stick to government data). Save the file locally and enter it as a second sheet in your main Excel file. Call the sheet FIPS. and clean it up, doing the normal things we do.

  7. Be happy if your sheet looks like this:

  8. Make a new column for the 5-digit county FIPS code for each county. Call it 5_digit_fips. There are lots of ways to do this.

  9. How are we going to join our data?

  10. Remove the word “county” from county_name in a new field called county2.

  11. In both sheets, make a new column called joinfield that pastes the county name and state together, separated by a hyphen. You might need to do this in steps.

  12. We’re ready to make a crude attempt a vlookup. Try to get a column called “county_fips” in your traces sheet.

  13. Which ones didn’t match? Why?

  14. Make a new field called is_error that gives you a 1 if there is an error and a zero if there is not.

  15. Sort your traces data by is_error and then count, both decreasing. This will let you prioritize your targets and quantitatively answer how good our merge was. How many do we need to fix?

  16. Seek and destroy! There’s no wrong way to do this, but some ways are righter than others. Keep going until you have matched 98 percent of guns and are not missing any counties with more than 30 guns traced. (Protip: a pivot table of is_error and sum of count will be helpful.)

  17. With the FIPS codes, what can we do that we couldn’t before?

  18. Can we answer this question the way we did this join? “What percent of counties had at least one gun traced to Chicago?”

  19. One stats program called R would let us map these without too much trouble. What questions might these maps lead you to ask? Where might you go to get answers?

  20. Here’s the NYT take and story.

Where we left off.

The typical graduation rates reported for colleges are broken, in part because transfer students are counted in the same way as drop-outs. How could you fix this?

Expanding our college graduation sample. If we were to try, how far would we have to go?

Here’s a list of schools for that. How many schools would we have to contact if we wanted to cover, say, half of the nation’s undergraduates? 75%? How else could we restrict our sample?

Write our letter.

Let’s do it together here.


You have two choices. You may fill out 40 rows with contact information in this document. Or you may embark on your own data collection project of a similar scale. If you choose the later, please push it to your github page.